Monday 7 April 2014

Activity during Culture Day or Founding day

On the 1st. day of April 2014, I stayed home and did all my work. I worked on my homework and did my chores. When I woke up that morning, my husband was drinking coffee. He likes to drink coffee every morning. He already dropped off the kids at school and that is one thing that I am very pleased with that day, for not waking me to do all the preparation for the kids. He knew that I need to rest since I always woke up every morning. Any ways, we had talked about going down to COM, for the founding day but changed our mind afterwards. We needed some more time to rest before the next day, so we stayed home. Well, it did sounds rest but to me, it’s not. I worked on my homework for half of that day. We went to PUC afterwards, for the cash power. On our way back, we stopped by the market and bought some local food for lunch. We came back home and ate our lunch with a relative of mine. He’s a young man with no wife but trying his best to take care of his family in any way that he can. Yet, he is the only one working in the family. He supported them a lot in everything that they need.
 Anyways, I watched a movie after our lunch for an hour and then, went back to finish up my homework. I was done at 3pm. in the afternoon and got in on Face book. I chatted with a friend who is very worried that day. She was mentioning something about the end of the world and it really bothered her a lot. She was feeling guilty while we were talking. She shared with me about her life and how she wanted to come back to the Lord.
She had converted before and married later afterwards. After that, she stopped coming to church because of some cases that had occurred after the marriage. I encouraged her for a while and remind her that God still cares and it’s never too late to come back. Finally, she said that she will come back. I have known this girl since in 2006, and I am very happy to hear that she is coming back to the Lord. This is all what I can share with you on the April 1, on the founding day.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Welcome to Pohnpei

          Welcome to Pohnpei
Pohnpei is a small island and beautiful. It is one of the four islands in the states of the FSM. The capital is Kolonia. It is located in the Eastern Caroline Island in the Pacific Ocean.

It is one of the wettest places on earth with annual recorded rainfall exceeding 300 inches (7,600mm) each  

year. It has many sites from the old ancient and consists of many unbelievable things. Many tourists visit this 

island because of its beauty. People know Pohnpei by two names, the green island and the wettest island.

Pohnpei has various historical sites that people love to visit and these places are the Nan Madol and Sokehs rock. At the Sokehs rock, situated several guns Japanese used against Americans during World War II. On the other hand, Nan Madol is a city owned by Saudeleur around the sixteen hundreds. It is unique and known by its megalithic construction. Nan Madol often draws tourist to the island. Pohnpei also has beautiful waterfalls and mountains where people do hiking and picnics.

Pohnpeian lives are simple. People mostly live with what they grow on land and fish they caught from the sea. They grow fruits too such as banana, papaya, pandanus, mango and a variety of citrus. They also raised livestock, including chickens, pigs, dogs and cows. However it can be hard if rents are involved.
Similar to other places, information is past down orally to generation. Its culture is similar to other islands however it is way different from the American culture. Their funerals, marriage ceremony, kamadipw en kousapw can be real costly compare to how much others may think of ceremonies. For example, a funeral can cost thousands of dollars and the rituals can go for weeks or a month. If Nanmwarkis or high people were invited, special preparation would have to be made to accommodate their needs and wants.

In conclusion, Pohnpei is a great island to visit. The sites are very beautiful, amazing and people are friendly. Their culture and how they are surviving is not new but similar to the Pacific islanders. Again, Pohnpei is a best place to visit.